Saul‘s men sighted the enemy on the other side of the river. Their opponents appeared physically
strong and were armed with better weapons.
They were led by the mighty warrior Goliath (Galut), known for his huge build and brute strength. A great number of Saul’s men ran away on seeing this strong force.
The small band that remained was willing to fight, whatever the outcome, for they had heard that there had been many incidents in the past in which Allah had caused a small force to defeat a larger one
David Challenges Goliath
When the two armies faced each other, Goliath challenged any soldier from King Saul’s army to
single combat, as was the custom of battle in those days. Goliath also wanted to show off his
strength. The men were terrorized, and no one had enough courage to volunteer.
The king offered the hand of his pretty daughter in marriage to the man who would fight Goliath, but even this tempting offer did not change the deadly silence among his soldiers.
Then, to everyone’s surprise, a youth stepped forward. A roar of laughter echoed from the
enemy’s side, and even Saul’s men shook their heads.
The young man was David (Dawud), from the city of Bethlehem. His elderly father had chosen
three of his sons to join Saul’s army. He had instructed the youngest one, David, not to take part
in the fighting but to help the army in other ways and to report to his father daily on what was
happening on the war front.
Although Saul was very impressed by the youth’s courage,
he said: “I admire your courage, but you are no match for that mighty warrior.
Let the strong men come forward.” David, however, had already decided and was willing to meet the challenge. Proudly, he told the king that only the day before he had killed a lion which had threatened his father’s sheep, and on another occasion he had killed a bear.
He asked Saul not to judge him by his appearance, for he feared no man or wild beast. Saul, surprised by young David’s brave stance, agreed: “My brave soldier, if you are willing, then may Allah guard you and grant you strength!”
David and Goliath Fight

The king dressed David in battle armor and handed him a sword, but David was not used to
wearing battle dress. He felt uncomfortable in it, and it obstructed his movements. He removed
the armor, then collected a few pebbles and filled his leather pouch with them.
He slung it over his shoulder next to his sling. With his wooden staff in hand, he began to walk towards the enemy.
Saul was worried and asked him how on earth, with a sling and a couple of stones was he going
to defend himself against the giant? David replied:
“Allah Who protected me from the claws of the bear and the fangs of the lion will certainly protect me from this brute!”
When Goliath set eyes on the lean young man who looked like a boy, he laughed loudly and
“Are you out to play war with one of your playmates, or are you tired of your life? I will simply cut off your head with one swipe of my sword!”
David shouted back:
“You may have armor, shield, and sword, but I face you in the name of Allah, the Lord of the Israelites, Whose laws you have mocked. Today you will see that it is not the sword that kills but the will and power of Allah!”
So saying, he took his sling and placed in it a pebble from his pouch. He swung and aimed it at
Goliath. The pebble shot from the whirling sling with the speed of an arrow and hit Goliath’s head
with great force.
Blood gushed out, and Goliath thumped to the ground, lifeless, before he had a chance to draw his sword. When the rest of his men saw their mighty hero slain, they took to their heels.
The Israelites followed in hot pursuit, taking revenge for their years of suffering at the
hands of their enemy, killing every soldier they could lay hands on. In this battle the Israelites
regained the glory and honor that had been lost for a long time.
David became a hero overnight. Saul kept his word and married his daughter Michal (Miqel) to
the young warrior and took him under his wing as one of his chief advisors.
Allah Gives David the Kingdom
Almighty Allah declared:
“So they routed them by Allah’s Leave and David killed Goliath, and Allah gave him (David) the
kingdom (after the death of Saul and Samuel) and wisdom, and taught him of that which He
willed. And if Allah did not check one set of people by means of another, the earth would indeed
be full of mischief. But Allah is full of Bounty to the Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exist).
(Ch 2:251 Quran).
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