In spite of Pharaoh’s death, he left a bad influence on the souls of the children of Israel. It was
difficult for the years of oppression and intense humility to pass easily. He had made them
accustomed to humbling themselves and submitting to someone other than Allah. he had so
suppressed their souls and spoiled their nature that they began to torture Moses out of ignorance and obstinacy.
The miracle of the parting of the sea was still fresh in their minds, damp sea sands were still stuck on their soles, when they passed by a people worshipping idols. Instead of manifesting their indignation at the idolaters’ oppression of the intellect by celebrating the praises of Allah for His guidance, they looked to Moses for him to specify a god for them to worship as those other people did.
They were jealous of the other people and their idols, and they desired the same. They
missed the ancient idolatry which they had lived with during the reign of Pharaoh.
Moses’ People Desire an Idol – Quranic
Allah the Exalted revealed:
“And We brought the Children of Israel (with safety) across the sea, and they came upon a
people devoted to some of their idols (in worship). They said: “O Mûsa (Moses)! Make for us an ilâhan (a god) as they have âliha (gods).” He said: “Verily, you are a people who know not (the Majesty and Greatness of Allâh and what is obligatory upon you, i.e. to worship none but Allâh Alone, the One and the Only God of all that exists).”
[Mûsa (Moses) added:] “Verily, these people will be destroyed for that which they are engaged
in (idols-worship). And all that they are doing is in vain.”
He said: “Shall I seek for you an Ilâhan (a God) other than Allâh, while He has given you
superiority over the ‘Alamîn (mankind and jinns of your time).”
And (remember) when We rescued you from Fir’aun’s (Pharaoh) people, who were afflicting you with the worst torment, killing your sons and letting your women live. And in that was a great trial from your Lord.” (Ch. 7: 138-141)
The Favours of Allah on Moses’ People

The children of Israel were favoured with Allah’s grace and bounty. They were saved from
oppression and had witnessed the drowning of their cruel ruler Pharaoh.
When they needed water in the dry land, Allah commanded Moses to strike a rock, which parted and sent forth twelve springs of water for the twelve different tribes so that they need not dispute over a shortage of water.
Allah also kept the skies cloudy to protect them from the scorching sun. To relieve their
hunger, manna (the dried exudate of certain plants) and quail were provided for them.
In spite of Allah’s generosity, the mean spirited ones began to stir Moses’ people to object that
they were disgusted with this food; they desires onions, garlic, beans, and lentils, which were
traditional Egyptian foods. That is why the children of Israel asked Prophet Moses to pray to
Allah to make the earth produce these foods. Moses again admonished them for oppressing
themselves and for their desire to return to a life of humiliation in Egypt. He also pointed out that
they were ungrateful for the bet and most abundant food. They wanted the worst instead of the
Allah’s Favours on Moses’ People – Quranic
Allah the Exalted said:
” Remember when Moses asked for water for his people, We said: “Strike the stone with your stick.” Then gushed forth therefrom twelve springs. Each group of people knew its own place for water. “Eat and drink of what which Allah had provided and do not act corruptly, making mischief on the earth.”
And remember when you said: “O Moses! We cannot endure one kind of food. So invoke your Lord for us to b ring forth for us of what the earth grows, its herbs, its cucumbers, its Fum (wheat, or garlic), its lentils and its onions.” He said: “Would you exchange that which is better for that which is lower? Go you down to any town and you shall find what you want!” (Ch 2:60-61 Quran).
The Cowardice of Moses’ People

Allah had also directed Moses to lea them to the Promised Land (Palestine) which had been
promised to Abraham as a land in which the pious and Allah-fearing of his offspring would live
and uphold Allah’s law. The children of Israel were an ungrateful people.
In spite of all of Allah’s favors, they could not stay away from evil and continued to reject Allah’s Laws. When Moses ordered them to conquer the town of the Canaanites the Hittites (their enemies who had hounded them), the children of Israel were cowardly and made excuses:
“O Moses, a great people dwell therein, We will not go in unless they leave.” Ancient books tell that they were six hundred thousand men. Moses did not find among them but two men who were ready to fight.
These two said to the people: “Once we enter through the door, Allah will make us victorious.” However, all the children of Israel were an incarnation of cowardice and quivered from within.
Allah Keeps Moses’ People Wandering
Moses knew that his people were fit for nothing. Pharaoh was dead, but his effect upon their souls still remained. Their recovery needed a long period of time. Moses returned to his Lord, telling Him that he was responsible only for the actions of himself and his brother. He prayed to his Lord to judge between his people and himself.
Allah the Exalted issued His judgment against this generation whose nature was corrupted by the Egyptians: they must wander restlessly in the wilderness until this generation had died or become senile and had created another generation, a generation which had not been defeated from within and which could fight and score victory.
The Cowardice of Moses’ People – Quranic
Almighty Allah revealed:
” And remember when Moses said to his people: “O my people! Remember the Favor of Allah to
you, when He made Prophets among you, made you kings, and gave you what He had not give to any other among the Alamin (mankind and jinn), in the past. O my people! Enter the holy land (Palestine) which Allah has assigned to you and turn not back in flight for then you will be
returned as losers.”
They said: “O Moses! In it (this holy land) are a people of great strength, and we shall never
enter it, till they leave it; when they leave, then we will enter.”
Two men of those who feared Allah and in whom Allah had His Grace said: “Assault them through the gate, for when you are in, victory will be yours, and put your trust in Allah if you are believers indeed.”
They said: “O Moses! We shall never enter it as long as they are there. So go you, and your Lord and fight you two, we are sitting right here.” (Ch. 5: 20-24)
Moses’ People are Kept Wandering – Quranic
He (Moses) said: “O my Lord! I have power only over myself and my brother, so separate us from the people who are the Fasiqeen (rebellious and disobedient to Allah)!”
Allah said: “Therefore it (this holy land) is forbidden to them for forty years; in distraction they will wander through the land. So be not sorrowful over the people who are the Fasiqeen (rebellious and disobedient to Allah).” (Ch 5:20-26 Quran)
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