Joseph’s Plan
The brothers left enough provisions behind for Judah, who stayed at a tavern awaiting the fate of Benjamin. In the meantime, Joseph kept Benjamin in his house as his personal guest and told him how he had devised the plot to put the king’s cup in his bag, in order to keep him behind, so as to protect him. He was also glad that Judah had stayed behind, as he was a good hearted brother.
Joseph secretly arranged to watch over Judah’s well being.
Joseph’s plan in sending the others back was to test their sincerity, to see if they would come back for the two brothers they had left behind.
The Brothers Confront Jacob
When they arrived home, they entered upon their father calling: “O our father! Your son has
He was puzzled, scarcely believing the news. He was overwhelmed with sorrow and his eyes wept tears. “Patience be with me; perhaps Allah will return all of them to me. He is Most Knowing, Most Wise.” A pal of lonesomeness closed over him, yet he found consolation in patience and trusted in Allah.
The Brothers Confront Jacob – Quranic
Allah revealed to us what happened at their meeting with their father:
“Return to your father and say: ‘O our father! Verily, your son (Benjamin) has stolen, and we
testify not except according to what we know, and we could not known the unseen! And ask the people of the town where we have been, and the caravan in which we returned and indeed we are telling the truth.””
He (Jacob) said: “Nay, but your own selves have beguiled you into something. So patience is
most fitting for me. Maybe Allah will bring them back all to me. Truly He! Only He is
All-Knowing, All-Wise.”
And he turned away from them and said: “Alas, my grief for Joseph!” And he lost his sight
because of the sorrow that he was suppressing. (Ch 12:81-84)
Jacob’s Request to Find Joseph
The father was deeply hurt. Only prayer could comfort him and strengthen his faith and patience.
Weeping all those years for his beloved son Joseph – and now one more of his best sons had been snatched from him – Jacob almost lost his sight.
The other sons pleaded with him: “O father, you are a noble prophet and a great messenger of
Allah. Unto you descended revelation and people received guidance and faith from you. Why are you destroying yourself in this way?”
Jacob replied:
“Rebuking me will not lessen my grief. Only the return of my sons will comfort me. My sons, go in search of Joseph and his brother; do not despair of Allah’s mercy.”
Jacob’s Request to Find Joseph – Quranic
Allah, the Almighty told us:
“They said: “By Allah! You will never cease remembering Joseph until you become weak with old age, or until you be of the dead.”
He said: “I only complain of my grief and sorrow to Allah, and I know from Allah that which you
know not. O my sons! Go you and inquire about Joseph and his brother and never give up hope of Allah’s Mercy. Certainly no one despairs of Allah’s Mercy, except the people who disbelieve.”
(Ch 12:85-87 Quran).

Joseph Reveals Himself
The caravan set out for Egypt. The brothers – on their way to see the chief minister (Joseph) –
were poor and depressed.
On reaching Egypt they collected Judah and called on Joseph, to whom they pleaded:
“O ruler of the land! A hard time has hit us and our family, and we have brought but poor
capital, so pay us full measure and be charitable to us. Truly, Allah does reward the charitable.”
(Ch 12:88).
At the end, they begged Joseph. They asked alms of him, appealing to his heart, reminding him that Allah rewards alms givers. At this moment, in the midst of their plight, Joseph spoke to them in their native tongue saying:
“Do you know what you did with Joseph and his brother when you were ignorant?”
They said: “Are you indeed Joseph?”
He said: “I am Joseph, and his is my brother (Benjamin). Allah has indeed been Gracious to us.
Verily, he who fears Allah with obedience to Him (by abstaining from sins and evil deeds, and by performing righteous good deeds), and is patient, then surely, Allah makes not the reward of the good doers to be lost.”
They said: “By Allah! Indeed Allah has preferred you above us, and we certainly have been
sinners.” (Ch 12:89-91)
The brothers began to tremble with fear, but Joseph comforted them:
“No reproach on you this day, may Allah forgive you, and He is the Most Merciful of those who
show mercy!” (Ch 12:92)
Jacob Learns About Joseph
Joseph embraced them, and together they wept with joy. It was not possible for Joseph to leave his responsible office without proper replacement, so he advised his brothers:
“Go with this shirt of mine, and cast it over the face of my father, he will become clear-sighted,
and bring to me all your family.” (ch 12:93)
And so the caravan headed back for Palestine. We lave the scene in Egypt and return to Palestine and the house of Jacob. The old man is sitting in his room; tears have been flowing down his cheeks.
He stands up all of a sudden, dresses and goes out to his son’s wives. Then he lifts up his
face to Heaven and sniffs the air.
The wife of the eldest son remarked: “Jacob has come out of his room today.” The women
inquired about what was amiss. There was a hint of a smile on his face. The others asked him:
“How do you feel today?”
He answered: “I can smell Joseph in the air.”
The wives left him alone, saying to one another that there was no hope for the old man. ‘he will
die of weeping over Joseph.’
“Did he talk about Joseph’s shirt?”
“I do not know. He said he could smell him; perhaps he has gone mad.”
That day the old man wanted a cup of milk to break his fast, for he had been fasting. At night he changed his clothes. The caravan was traveling in the desert with Joseph’s shirt hidden among the grain.
It neared the old man’s estate. He gesticulated in his room, and then he prayed a long time,
lifting his hands to heaven and sniffing the air.
He was weeping as the shirt was nearing him.
And when the caravan departed, their father said: “I do indeed feel the smell of Joseph, if only
you think me not a dotard (a person who has weakness of mind because of old age).”
They said: “By Allah! Certainly, you are in your old error.”
Then, when the bearer of the glad tidings arrived, he cast the shirt over his face, and he became clear sighted.
He said: “Did I not say to you, I know from Allah that which you know not.””
They said: “O our father! Ask Forgiveness from Allah for our sins, indeed we have been
sinners.” (Ch 12:94-97)
Jacob and Joseph (PBUT) Meet
The story began with a dream and it ends with the interpretation of the dream. Almighty Allah
He said: “I will ask my Lord for forgiveness for you, verily, He! Only He is the Oft-Forgiving,
the Most Merciful.”
Then, when they entered unto Joseph, he betook his parents to himself and said: “Enter Egypt, if Allah will, in security.”
And he raised his parents to the throne and they fell down before him prostrate. And he said: “O my father! This is the interpretation of my dream of old! My Lord has made it come true! He was indeed good to me, when He took me out of prison, and brought you all here out of the Bedouin life, after Satan had sown enmity between me and my brothers. Certainly, my Lord is the Most Courteous and Kind unto whom He will. Truly He! Only He is the All Knowing, the All-Wise.”
(Ch 12:98-100)

Consider his feelings now that his dream has come true. He prays to Allah:
“My Lord! You have indeed bestowed on me of the sovereignty, and taught me the interpretation of my dreams; The only Creator of the heavens and the earth! You are my Wali (Protector, Helper, Supporter, Guardian etc). in this world and in the Hereafter, cause me to die as a Muslim (the one submitting to Your Will), and join me with the righteous.” (Ch 12:101)
Joseph arranged an audience with the king for himself and his family, to ask the king’s permission for them to settle in Egypt. Joseph was an assert to the kingdom, and the king was happy to have him remain with his household. Joseph prostrated to Allah in gratitude.
The Death of Jacob and Joseph (PBUT)
Before he died, Jacob (pbuh) advised his children to adhere to the teachings of Islam, the religion of all of Allah’s prophets. Allah the Almighty revealed:
“Or were you witnesses when death approached Jacob? When he said unto his sons: “What will you worship after me?” they said: “We shall worship your aIlah (God-Allah) the aIlah (God) of your father. Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, One Ilah (God), and to Him we submit in Islam.” (Ch
12:133 Quran).
Joseph (pbuh), at the moment of his death, asked his brothers to bury him beside his forefathers if they were to leave Egypt. So when Joseph (pbuh) passed away, he was mummified and placed in a coffin until such a time as he could be taken out of Egypt and buried beside his forefathers, as he had requested. It was said that he died at the age of one hundred ten.
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