The people of the book tell a story of Dinah, daughter of Jacob and Leah. Shechem Ibn Hamor
seized her and lay with her by force. Then he asked her father and brothers to let him marry her.
Her brothers said : “Circumcise all of you, and we will give our daughters to you, and we will
take your daughters for ourselves; but we do not marry with uncircumcised people.” They (the
men of the city) agreed to that, and all of them were circumcised.
When the third day came, the pain from the circumcision had increased, Jacob’s sons approached and killed them till the last one. They killed Shchem and his father for the evil they had committed against them and for their worship of idols. That is why Jacob’s sons killed them and seized their money as spoils.
Rachel’s Death
Then Rachel got pregnant and gave birth to a son, Benjamin, but she had a hard labor and died after delivery. Jacob buried her in Ephrath (afrath). The tomb of Rachel is there till the present day.
The Sons of Jacob
Jacob’s sons were twelve men. From Leah there were Rueben (Robil), Simon (Shamun), Levi
(Lawi), Judah (Yahudh), Issachar (Isakher), and Zebulun (Zablun). From Rachel there were
Joseph (Yusuf) (pbuh) and Benjamin. From Rachel’s slave there were Dan and Naphtali (Neftali), and from Leah’s slave there were Gad and Asher.