Noah’s Death

The Quran draws the curtain on Noah’s story. We do not know how his affairs with his peoplecontinued. All we know or can ascertain is that on his deathbed he requested his son to worship Allah alone,…
The Quran draws the curtain on Noah’s story. We do not know how his affairs with his peoplecontinued. All we know or can ascertain is that on his deathbed he requested his son to worship Allah alone,…
It was said:“O Earth! Swallow up your water, and O sky! Withhold (your rain).” The water was diminished(made to subside) and the Decree (of Allah) was fulfilled (the destruction of the people of Noah).And it (the ship)…
The ship was constructed, and Noah sat waiting Allah’s command. Allah revealed to him thatwhen water miraculously gushed forth from the oven at Noah’s house, that would be the sign of the start of the flood, and…
There came a day when Allah revealed to Noah that no others would believe. Allah inspired him not to grieve for them at which point Noah prayed that the Disbelievers be destroyed. He said: “My Lord! Leave…
Noah continued to call his people to believe in Allah for nine hundred fifty years. Allah theAlmighty said: Indeed We sent Noah to his people and he stayed among them a thousand yearsless fifty years (inviting them…
Allah in His Mercy sent His messenger Noah to guide his people. Noah was an excellent speaker and a very patient man. He pointed out to his people the mysteries of life and the wonders of the…
For many generations Noah’s people had been worshipping statues that they called gods. They believed that these gods would bring them good, protect them from evil and provide all their needs. They gave their idols names such…
He was Noah Ibn Lamik, Ibn Mitoshilkh, Ibn Enoch, Ibn yard, Ibn Mahlabeel, Ibn Qinan, IbnAnoush, Ibn Seth, Ibn Adam the Father of Mankind (PBUH). According to the history of thePeople of the Book, (refers to the…