Punishment for AD ,THE PEOPLE OF HUD

Thus Hud renounced them and their gods and affirmed his dependence on Allah Who had created him. Hud realized that punishment would be incurred on the Disbelievers among his people. It is one of the laws of…
Thus Hud renounced them and their gods and affirmed his dependence on Allah Who had created him. Hud realized that punishment would be incurred on the Disbelievers among his people. It is one of the laws of…
Allah recounts Hud’s people’s attitude towards the Day of Judgment: “The chiefs of his people, whom disbelieved and denied the meeting in the Hereafter, and to who We had given the luxuries and comforts of this life,…
Allah wanted to guide and discipline these people so He sent a prophet from among them. This prophet was Hud (PBUH), a noble man who handled this task with great resoluteness and tolerance.Ibn Jarir reported that he…
The people of ‘Ad lived many years in the windswept hills of an area between Yemen and Oman.They were physically well built and renowned for their craftsmanship especially in theconstruction of tall buildings with lofty towers. They…