Abraham’s wife Sarah was sterile. She had been given an Egyptian woman Hajar, as a servant.
Abraham had aged and his hair was gray and after many years spent in calling people to Allah.
Sarah thought she and Abraham were lonely because she could not have a child. Therefore, she offered her husband her servant Hajar in marriage. Hajar gave birth to her first son Ishmael (isma’il) when Abraham was an old man.
Abraham Questions Resurrection
Abraham lived on earth worshipping Allah and calling people to monotheism, but he was
journeying to Allah, knowing that his days on earth were limited and that they would be followed by death and finally resurrection. The knowledge of life after death filled Abraham with peace and love and certitude. One day he begged Allah to show him how He brought the dead back to life.
Allah commanded Abraham to take four birds, cut them up and mingle their body parts, divide
them into four portions and place them on top of four different hills, then call back the birds in
Allah’s name. Abraham did as he was told. Immediately the mingled parts of the birds separated to join their original bodies in different places and the birds flew back to Abraham.
Almighty Allah revealed:
“Remember when Abraham said: ‘My Lord Show me how You give life to the dead.” Allah said: “Do you not believe?” Abraham said: “Yes I believe, but to be stronger in Faith.” HE said: “Take four birds, the cause them to incline towards you (then slaughter them, cut them into pieces) and then put a portion of them on every hill and call them they will come to you in haste. And know that Allah is All Mighty and All Wise.”(Ch 2:260 Quran)