In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful
What is the spleen? It is a wonderful organ, in the abdomen, that causes changes in the blood. It is indeed a very important organ of the human body. Deficiency or hyperactivity of this vital organ makes life unbearable if not impossible.
In fact, this wonderful part of the body, the spleen, which is a kind of apparatus, organ, gland, or whatever, is not more than 200 g’s in weight. It is a dark red body that receives blood through a lot of big blood vessels, an artery and a vein. From inside, it has barriers, and it is divided into compartments. It is surrounded with special muscles, which contract in order to empty it from the extra blood.
This organ produces a great deal of white corpuscles, which constitute the army that defends the human body. By the way, the AIDS, which has caused a lot of worry to the whole world, comes as a result of the destruction of this army, which weakens immunity of the body and allows the weakest germs to overcome it.
In addition to the liver, the spleen is the organ that produces the white corpuscles in the embryonic phase; and in a word, the white corpuscles are a real army that defends the human body!
The spleen is also like a graveyard for the dead red corpuscles. As soon as the dead red corpuscles reach the spleen, it produces a substance that breaks down these corpuscles into their original components:
iron is released and taken to factories of blood corpuscles in the marrow of the bones; and hemoglobin is also released and taken to the liver to produce bile. In short, the spleen is a graveyard in which the dead red corpuscles are broken down into their basic components in order to be remanufactured. It is the organ in which iron is remanufactured into new corpuscles and in which hemoglobin is turned into bile (which takes part in food digestion).
Is this not an economic planning?! Is this not Divine Guidance to teach us that wastefulness clashes with human perfection?!
Another thing: The spleen is a factory for manufacturing red corpuscles, but it is an auxiliary factory. In other words, if the factories in the marrow of bones fail to work, this factory begins to make red corpuscles in order to support human life.
A fourth thing: The spleen is also an auxiliary store of red corpuscles, which it sends to the body when necessary.
Yes, indeed! This wonderful organ, the spleen, is a store of red corpuscles, an auxiliary factory for making red corpuscles, a factory for making white corpuscles, and a graveyard for dead red corpuscles!
If the spleen becomes hyperactive, it destroys the red corpuscles and causes death or a special kind of anemia. If there it becomes under-active, the person’s system of immunity weakens; and this causes a lot of diseases and illnesses from which the human race are suffering nowadays.
In brief, this magnificent organ, the spleen, which you sometimes buy at the butcher’s or eat as a sandwich in a snack, is a whole unique world in every sense of the word. In this context, Allah’s Messenger, (PBUH), says,
“Two dead things and two bloods have been made permissible for you (to eat). The two dead things are fishes and locusts, and the two bloods are the liver and the spleen.”
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of Creations