Distances between planets of the solar system

In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Distances between planets in the solar system:

It is an undisputable fact that 100,000,000,000 (one hundred thousand million) galaxies have been so far discovered in the universe. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is one of these incredibly numerous galaxies. It is a medium-size galaxy that has 100,000,000,000 (one hundred thousand million) stars and planets. It is 150,000 light-years long and 25,000 light-years wide. The Moon is 1 light-second, and the Sun is 8 light-minutes, away from us. The Solar System is 13 light-hours long. But as for the Milky Way, it is 150,000 light-years long and 25,000 light-years wide. Now, the question is: what is the distance that light travels in a year?! It travels 10,000,000,000,000 (ten million-million) kilometers.

Now, the Solar System, in which we exist, is 13 light-hours long. The German astronomer, Johan Bout, found out that the distances among planets of the Solar System follow an amazingly accurate geometric series: 0-3-6-12-24-48-96-192. In other words, each number is double the one before it. He gave Mercury the number (0), Venus the number (3), the earth the number (6) and Mars the number (12). He stopped there and added the number (4) to all these numbers, then he divided them by the number (10). He found out that the resultant number equals the distance between each of the planets from the sun. This law came to light in the 19th C. and caused a lot of dispute among astronomers because it had two weak points: the number (24) did not exist, and there was no planet in that site, and the number (192) did not exist, and there was no planet in that site, either. Therefore, the law was considered as invalid. Then, later on, it was found out that in the site of number (24) there existed a group of small planets, and in the site of number (192) there existed the planet Uranus.

In the light of the above-mentioned facts, our Solar System runs according to an amazingly accurate Divine Law, which goes, as discovered by astronomers, as follows: If we arrange the distance of each planet according to a mathematical or geometrical series, add the number (4) and then divide by the number (12), the resultant number represents the distance of each planet from the sun. Conclusion: To wrap up, the whole universe bespeaks Allah’s Miraculous Infinite Divine Power, Might and Wisdom, and it reflects His Beautiful Divine Names and Attributes. In this context, Allah, Al-Mighty, Most Gracious, says,

“Say (O Muhammad): ‘Behold all that is in the heavens and the earth!’” [X; 101]
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of Creations